Sunday 16 March 2014

Barefoot no more!

Hot, summer weather, cool tile floors, swimming pool right outside the door; what better reasons for going barefoot could you possibly have?  Well, for three reasons I will be barefoot around here no more!

Reason Number 1
We've been getting some painting down around here lately and with an older stone and cement house, you have to expect a few deteriorating maintenance issues now and then.  While I expected a lot of paint scraping and chipping to be going on, I was a little surprised to find them chopping holes in the concrete ceiling above my terrace with a hatchet prior to painting.  So there are bits of stone, cement, paint chips, rebar, etc. all over the place.  Way too easy to get a puncture in bare feet.

Reason Number 2
Do NOT be fooled by how cute Lucy looks in this photo!  She has entered what I can only describe as the Terrible Twos!  She can spend three hours outside only to pee the moment she comes inside.  Then another half hour outside only to run and poop in one of the upstairs bedrooms as soon as she comes in.  I don't know WHY I ever thought it was a good idea to teach her to climb the stairs!  It is way too easy to step into a dark room and get a very unpleasant surprise in your bare feet!  YUCK!

Reason Number 3
Lucy has turned into quite the little scrounger and hunter.  When outside she is constantly digging up bugs, wood, stones, shells, bones, cat poop, you name it, she's dug it up and ..... eaten it!  When indoors if a bug happens to get across our Home Defense chemical barrier she's all over it; ants, flies, spiders, whatever.  Just today I was saying to Chris that it was time to spray our perimeter Home Defense bug repellent again but I probably wouldn't have time for a day or two.  This evening Lucy started chasing something across the kitchen floor.  We went over to see what she had caught only to see legs hanging out of her mouth!  Then a tarantula half the size of her little head crawled out and started walking across her face!  Chris smacks it off and yells at me "Step on it!"  Luckily, I remembered that I was barefoot and there was a fly swatter handy so I grabbed it and pounded the ugly thing to death!  So no, I do not have a photo of the thing crawling across Lucy's face, and the photo below is one I found on the internet that matches the 2 or 3 inch tarantula that Lucy almost ate!  BAREFOOT NO MORE!

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