Wednesday 4 February 2015

Government sponsored door-to-door Veterinarian service

Chester, our Celestun rescued cat
Lucy, our Celestun rescued beach dog

The huge number of stray cats and dogs in this area is a serious problem without an easy solution.  Many of the locals do not believe in spaying and neutering their pets so strays roam the town and many of the expats (including us) rescue one or two cats or dogs almost every year.  Many are kept here and some are brought back to Canada or the U.S. to seek homes for them, as we did with Lucy last year.  Because of the lack of education and money, most of the unwanted animals are left to fend for themselves, often wandering the town starving and diseased.
Door to door Veterinarian
The other day we were visiting our friends Wanda, Kenn and Karen, at Celeste Vida discussing this problem when all seven of their dogs took off running and barking to greet a man at their gate.  In an amazing coincidence, it was a door to door Veterinarian!   In an effort to help alleviate the problem of poorly cared for pets, there is a government funded service out of Merida that sends veterinarians out to the smaller communities, like Celestun.  The vets actually go door to door offering free vaccinations for all of your cats and dogs.  They also offer periodic free clinics for spaying and neutering and it appears to be gaining some popularity but is of little help to all of the strays around.  
Miss Kitty getting her shot
So all of the dogs and two cats were quickly rounded up and in just a few minutes time, their shots were all completed and up to date and the Vet was off walking down the road looking for more potential canine and feline patients.

1 comment:

  1. Good Info. My husband & I have land there and are building a home now. My heart always goes out to all the wandering cats & dogs and I'm sure once we get down there we too will get involved in situation. We work for a dog rescue here in Northern California now called Herd it through the Grapevine specializing in herding dogs.
