Monday 15 December 2014

Life in Celestun

Well, other than having no internet most days over the past three weeks, life has been going on pretty much the same every day since my last post...warm, sunny, lazy and basically, spectacular!

When the internet is working, I've been VERY happy with it.  The speed is sufficient to watch streaming movies on Netflix with excellent sound and picture and no problems with buffering.  But, like so many things in Mexico, not everything works all the time.  And then getting something repaired can be a little challenging.  In large part, the challenge is due to my own lack of fluent Spanish but every kind of infrastructure or service around here is generally lacking in maintenance for a variety of reasons.  I guess there are bound to be some trade-offs for living in paradise!  :)

We've been busy so far doing a few improvements around the yard, pruning, planting, cutting down. Kenn and Karen's son Cody helped me out with our new chain saw, taking down some large branches and cutting some stumps down lower.  My shoulders haven't recovered enough from surgery yet for me to even HOLD the chainsaw never mind actually cut down a tree with it.
Cody cutting down some stumps in our yard
I'm hoping to get Cody back one more time to take down a couple of trees; one in the way of our clothes line and another just creating more mess than enjoyment for us.

My friend Kenn mentioned to me the other day that he was interested in learning Salsa dancing and I told him that Chris and I would like to as well.  In years past, we had often considered various dance lessons but life always seemed too busy to go ahead with anything.  Some friends of ours up the beach, Peter and Sandra, are getting married in January and as Sandra is Cuban, there will definitely be some Salsa music at the wedding. Sandra teaches Pilates as well as dance so we have started classes with her along with Kenn and Karen, and another friend here, Marie-Francoise.
Salsa dance class
In the first class we were all stumbling over each other but we had a glimpse of what we might be able to do one day.  So with two classes each week until the wedding on January 24, we just might manage to avoid looking like complete fools by then.

Inspired by Black Friday shopping in the U.S., in 2011 Mexico introduced "Buen Fin" on the third weekend of November each year.  Huge sales take place like Black Friday and it's probably the best time of the year for furniture and large appliance shopping.

Our favourite furniture manufacturer and retail outlet in Merida, Marbol, was taking part in Buen Fin so we paid them a visit ahead of the sales weekend to see if we could find a loveseat for our sun room. Luckily we found the perfect match for our other chairs so we returned on Saturday, Nov. 22 to buy it.  As we live over an hour from Merida we had to wait a couple of weeks for them to coordinate delivery along with other customers.  But it's here now and fits great in the room, in front of the new 40 inch LED TV, that I bought just BEFORE learning about savings available on Buen Fin!
Our sun room, with the new furniture and TV
The past few days have been busy with three birthday parties!  Chris had a birthday on the 13th and Sandra's son Robert turned 5 on the 12th.  So we got a HUGE cake for them that we served for dessert at our Friday night expat dinner party.  Peter the chef cooked a meat lasagna and a great mushroom and spinach vegetarian one too, and put them out self-serve as the night's special.  The next day Robert had a huge birthday party at his house with close to 50 kids plus parents and friends. We left that one just in time to get to Kenn and Karen's for dinner and another birthday party for Chris!  Karen cooked a great meal and we ate in the outdoor kitchen.  Jorge and Fabi and Jorge's parents showed up later, then it was tequila, tequila, tequila for a few hours after that!
Friday night ex-pat birthday dinner party
Robert and Chris birthday party

Robert's 5th birthday party

Another birthday cake!


Jorge left before we all got too crazy with the tequila as he was having his grand opening the next morning of his new furniture store in Celestun.  It is a smaller branch of Comercial Zozaya, their larger store in Merida.
Inside the new Comercial Zozaya store in Celestun

Fabiola and Jorge in front of his new Celestun store

Wanda, Kenn, Karen, Chris and I all showed up for the 11:00AM grand opening.  It's a great little store with access to the full inventory of Comercial Zozaya and the prices look to be very competitive!

We were REALLY looking forward to the free Pastor Tacos they were cooking out front!  But they weren't quite ready yet so we headed over to La Boya, a little beach restaurant nearby, for a few cervezas.  They kept bringing us free botanas so we stayed for another drink and kept eating. When we finally made it back to Comercial Zozaya, all the tacos were gone!

But free tacos or not, it looks like a great little store and a very welcome addition to our town!  

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