Friday 18 April 2014

Hasta Novembre!

Well our time here for this winter is nearly over.  We'll be back in Canada April 16, returning to Celestun around the end of October.  This past week has been busy though; pilates, dinner out at some friends, our last expat dinner, and a birthday pool party at our house.

The automatic sprinklers I installed in all of our flower beds seem to be working okay and the flowers are blooming like crazy.  Will be so sad to return to Canada tomorrow and be back in the cold and snow.

This past week has been so hot here that the dog keeps jumping into the pool to cool off.  It's been around 35 to 38 every day.  Actually starting to look forward to a little temperature relief soon.
And our rescue cat Chester adopted some new parents, Richard and Jose from the Hacienda San Pachul in Kinchil.  They thought they'd be leaving my birthday party with leftovers but instead they left with a cat!

We had a fun evening Wednesday at Marie-Francois and Nicole's, along with Peter and Sandra.  
They have a fantastic view of the ocean from their rooftop patio.

The next day was my birthday and we had a little barbecue pool party at Casa Piedra with Karen and Wanda, and Richard & Jose.  Jose got behind the bar and made us all Sour Orange Margaritas and also surprised me with a cake!

Friday night was our last expat dinner at Guiterrez Restaurant which gave us a chance to say good-bye to everyone as most of us are leaving to return to Canada for the summer.  It was a beautiful evening on the beach with a fantastic sunset.

Tuesday morning Chris, Lucy and I drove to Cancun with Karen.  Lucy turned out to be a great traveller, sleeping all the way in the car.  Overnight at the Comfort Inn next to the Cancun airport was fine then Karen drove back to Celestun on Wednesday and we checked in with Lucy for our flight back to Canada.  Lucy snoozed in her little travel kennel for about three hours at the airport then onto the plane and stuffed under our seat for the 5 1/2 hour flight to Canada.  I think she would have slept most of the flight but I gave her 1/4 of a child's gravol just to be sure she didn't wake up and have to pee or anything.

Lucy made it through customs with no problems and then had the shock of her life when Chris took her outside to pee and discovered what COLD weather feels like.

By Friday, Lucy was REALLY not happy with the outdoor bathroom arrangements in the freezing rain and snow.  The only doggy T-shirt we could find to fit her was a pink frilly dress with a giant ladybug stitched on the back.  She was not impressed but she FINALLY stopped shivering.  She was more comfortable with the little parka with the fur trimmed hood.  She actually could stand outside in the sleet without whining to come back inside.

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