Friday 28 February 2014

The Wedding

I don't know about the bride-to-be, but I'M a little nervous.  You CANNOT re-shoot wedding photos.  I started early, checking the lighting and taking a few shots around the ceremony and reception areas.

Then I headed indoors to get some of the bride getting ready.

Finally a couple of the groom-to-be preparing and suddenly we were under way!

The weather cooperated nicely and the wedding was beautiful.  I did my best, finding positions to record the proceedings without getting in the way too much.  
I had some challenges with the harsh lighting and 
had to work around it with shady areas and fill flash 
and a reflector.
After the ceremony we did some formal posed shots then I drove the bride and groom to my house for a few more.

Later on I did a few more shots of the reception dinner and dance then FINALLY I had a couple of margaritas!

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